Wednesday, August 5, 2009

500)Blogpost Five Hundred IS Blogpost Four Hundred, The High-Octane Fuel That Powers My Blog On The Link Between Science And Religion In Islam

Blogpost Five Hundred IS Blogpost Four Hundred, The High-Octane Fuel That Powers My Blog On The Link Between Science And Religion In Islam: Its Genesis And Offshoots

Blogpost Four Hundred is the cardinal post of my Blog on the link between science and religion in Islam and the pivot upon and around which the entire Blog revolves; I also describe it as the high-octane fuel that powers my Blog and the one that gives a solid doctrinal underpinning to it:

It contains about 100 quotes and excerpts on the subjects of Knowledge, Intellect, Creation, Education, Science and Religion and the sources of these are many and varied: Noble Quran, Prophet Muhammad(sas), Aga Khan IV, Aga Khan III, Hazrat Ali, Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, Nasir Khusraw, Abu Yakub Al-Sijistani, Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani, Ibn Sina, Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, Aristotle, Albert Einstein and Azim Nanji. The 500-post Blog, however, is very Aga Khan IV-centric and most of the excerpts and quotes come from the speeches, interviews, articles and irshads of our 49th Imam as the present living Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims.

You will find much repetition of the quotes and excerpts listed in Blogpost Four Hundred as you go from post to post. In fact if you read the entire Blog from start to finish(all 500 posts) just once you will remember all 100 or so quotes by heart. Indeed, one of the goals of this Blog is for the reader to ultimately internalise those excerpts and quotes and hopefully their relentless repetition achieves this in the end. The order, number and choice of quotes are made by me to match each post. Repetition of these quotes and excerpts from post to post is also necessary because all the internet search engines treat each individual blogpost as a seperate and exclusive entitiy unto itself.

Blogpost Four Hundred has had a number of offshoots and these are as follows:

1)Golden Jubilee Quotes of Aga Khan IV on the subjects of Knowledge, Intellect, Creation, Education, Science and Religion, July 11 '07 to Dec 13 '08

2)The Quran Says......."; Quotes of Aga Khan IV and Others on the Subjects of Knowledge, Intellect, Creation, Education, Science and Religion

3)Blogpost Four Hundred updated with quotes from the opening of the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat:

Various posts, reflecting quotes made during various Darbars, were also brought together in the genesis of Blogpost Four Hundred:

4)"Knowledge Society", by Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness Aga Khan IV

5)Latest 2008 USA quotes and speech excerpts of Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness Aga Khan IV, on the subjects of knowledge, learning and education.

6)Key quotes by Aga Khan IV relating to learning, education, faith, world, creation in Academy foundation speech, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 20th 2008

7)Quotes of Aga Khans IV and III with the word 'Science', 'Scientist' or 'Scientific' in them

8)Quotes and Excerpts from the Foundation Ceremony of the Ismaili Center, Aga Khan Museum and Park in Toronto added to my Blogpost Four Hundred

Finally, much earlier accumulations of quotes and excerpts that contributed to the creation of Blogpost Four Hundred are listed in this post:

9)Blogpost Four Hundred and all its earlier incarnations; the Cardinal Post of My Blog on the Link between Science and Religion in Islam

This post, BLOGPOST FIVE HUNDRED, therefore, describes all the postings that went into the making of BLOGPOST FOUR HUNDRED as well as those postings that were created as its offshoots.

Related, from Ismaili Mail:

Easy Nash

The Qur'an itself repeatedly recommends Muslims to become better educated in order better to understand God's creation: Aga Khan IV(2007)
The Quran tells us that signs of Allah's Sovereignty are found in the contemplation of His Creation: Aga Khan IV(2007)
This notion of the capacity of the human intellect to understand and to admire the creation of Allah will bring you happiness in your everyday lives: Aga Khan IV(2007)
Islam, eminently logical, placing the greatest emphasis on knowledge, purports to understand God's creation: Aga Khan IV(2006)
The Holy Qu'ran's encouragement to study nature and the physical world around us gave the original impetus to scientific enquiry among Muslims: Aga Khan IV(1985)
The first and only thing created by God was the Intellect(Aql): Prophet Muhammad(circa 632CE)